"Building Backyard Dreams and Adventures for Kids One Yard at a Time"
Dream Play Recreation is the exclusive Rainbow Play Systems Factory Direct Showroom for Missouri and Southern Illinois.
Dream Play Recreation has specialized in providing the absolute finest residential & Commerical playground equipment in St. Louis area for the past 33 years. Explore the possibilities for your own backyard by visiting our huge interactive indoor showroom in Chesterfield. There you can “test play” our incredible array of Rainbow swing sets, Goalsetter and Goalrilla basketball goals, and the world’s safest trampoline, the revolutionary Springfree trampoline, and SkyTrak + Indoor Golf Simulator Studios. This hands-on experience is the perfect way to determine what is best for your backyard and soon the wonderful sound of joyful play will be filling the air at your home.
Dream Play Recreation - Proudly Family Owned and Operated for Over 33 Years!